I edited this only enough to give some annonymity to HER.
Minister this, minister that... Prophet, Teacher, Pastor.... blah blah BLAH! Everyone is so caught up on titles, they forget their NAME! Smh, you're gift will be evident by how you live. It's okay if people call you by your birth name. I proooooomise, it doesn't change anything! We are ALL ministers of the gospel! #JustSayin #IDontCareIfThatOffendsYouShrug
I was just talking about how even calling each other "Brother" and "Sister" is un-natural. I have a natural sister. Her name is "Susan". Do you think I call her "Sister Susan"? NO! I call her "Susan" or "Sissy". If anyone at church wants to... call me "Corry" instead of "Bro. Corry" I'm fine with it. (BTW, most (I say most, not all) of the ministers I know aren't tied up in their title. I still call Bro. Marc "Bro. Marc" (Now Minister Marc) and I correct myself. He doesn't.) Let's balance this, please respect the position God has placed them in, and call them by title when appropriate.
When is it appropriate? Why nor just call them by their name? Calling them by a title does what, exactly? Your gift with be very evident in your lifestyle... its not necessary to call someone by their title.... if you do, out of respect... I guess that's cool, but I don't sew why.
You said it, Out of Respect. I used my sister as an example before, and I just thought of the other side of this, again with the family. When I was young, we always called our aunts (We pronounced it "ants") and uncles "Ant so-and-so" or "Uncle so-and-so" out of respect. I guess I'm flip flopping in my position on this one 'cause I see a little of both sides. If I walked up to my pastor and said "Hey Tom, Can I talk to you a minute?" I think it'd be disrespectful. I'd probably get a cross eyed look at the least. Do I think that he's caught up in his title? NO! He is submitted to God and has a position of respect and honor* in my life. *1 Timothy 5:17 supports this- Let the elders that rule well be counted worthy of double honour, especially they who labour in the word and doctrine. So, That's why I said we should balance it. Let's not lose our reverence for the position they hold, but at the same time, if you find yourself in one of those positions, don't get the BIG HEAD!
That's because you're taught to call them by their title, not because its biblical... you can honor without esteeming a title. If he got upset for you calling him Tom, that's a heart check that needs to be done in him... the GIFT is what deserves the respect, the person is the vessel... and when you set yourself up so high that you feel you need to be honored, you've missed the mark. I understand the respect thing, and that's cool, it just shouldn't be enforced... ie: introducing yourself as "minister/ pastor so and so"... that's not your name... that's taking it too far.
If I were a doctor, I'd expect my patients and the nurses to call me Dr. Corry or Dr. Wauford. If I were a seargent. I'd expect my soldiers to call me "Sgt. Wauford". If I were a police officer, I'd expect my co-workers and civilians to call me "Officer Wauford" when I was in uniform. Using the title gives evidence for the respect and honor we give to each of those positions. If a person has trouble giving that honor, then that is also a time for a heart check.
I would have to disagree... think there's too much religion in the church today... and just an FYI, I call my pastor, PASTOR Ed... but not always, and if I didn't, he'd have NO problem with it... and he calls himself Ed... cause he knows his name... and his patents didn't name him pastor anything -____- #shrug its all good, though... much prayer needed in the body.
5 years ago