Saturday, August 24, 2013

This is pretty much straight out of the bible, but worded into a prayer. I added it to my previous prayer for today's prayer call.

Lord, we bring our tithes into the storehouse of Faith Christian Center. Let there be meat in your house. Let the church have everything it needs to fulfill the vision and plans you have given and will continue to give to our pastors Tom and Stef Garrett. This is the only place in your word I know of that you ask as to prove you in anything. Lord, show us your best! Open the windows of heaven, pour out a blessing so much that we won't have enough room to receive it. Rebuke the devourer for our sakes that he cannot destroy the fruits or our ground or the investments we make. Let all our perishible goods last 10 times longer than they are supposed to. Let our vines not cast their fruit before their time. Let every endeavour we undertake come to its full and best conclusion. Let all nations call us blessed. Let this be a delightsome land as you have said, Lord of Hosts!

Lord, Make us strong in you and the power of your might. We put on the armour you have given us. We stand against the wiles of the devil. We do not fight against people, but against evil powers in high places. We gird ourselves with your truth. We protect our hearts with your righteousness. Our feet and our steps are protected by the gospel of peace. The shield of faith quenches every fiery dart of the wicked. You covered our heads with the helmet of salvation. We arm ourselves with the sword of the spirit, the word you have given us. We do battle against the enemy. We wield the sword with expertise, cutting out what needs to be cut out. Defeating the enemy and freeing captives. Restoring lost and stolen goods into the hands of your people! Let us boldly proclaim your gospel, opening blind eyes to see your goodness and mercy!

Friday, August 16, 2013

I thought about breaking this up into multiple posts, but decided to put in all in one. This is a prayer I prayed on a prayer call with FCC Tampa. The entire call was about financial prosperity.

Mt 6, Near the end of the chapter...
We are not to concern ourselves with how we're going to get food, water or clothes to wear. God gives the grass beautiful flowers for clothes. The birds don't sow or harvest or store in barns, but they always have enough.

We are to seek God's kingdom. When we seek his kingdom, then food, water and clothing will be added unto us.
Pray this:

Father, show us your kingdom. Draw us ever closer to you. We yield our wills to your will. We acknowledge you as our King. Reign in our lives.

Let us draw from your abundance, not giving any mind to where we might get our food, water or clothes. It's all taken care of because You are King!

According to Mt 7, we knock, open the door to your kingdom.
We seek, let us find you. Let us find all your truth. Let your Holy Spirit guide us in this, our study of your truth.
Let the power of the Holy Spirit have dominion over our lives. You are God. There is no God like you. You are the ruler of Heaven. You are the ruler of Earth. We yield ourselves to you. We are your servants. We are your friends.

We thank you that you will not give us a stone for bread or a snake for a fish or a scorpion for an egg. You give us good and perfect gifts.

Lord, we ask that, like you did for Abraham, you allow us to not just be blessed, but allow us to be a blessing. Allow all nations to be blessed through us.

Galatians 3:6 & 7 reminds us that Abraham's faith was counted to him for righteousness and our faith makes us children of Abraham. and verse 9 says that, we that be of faith are blessed with faithful Abraham.

Father, lead us into a land, show it to us. Expand our family, bring more believers into our midst. Let new believers be born through our local family and through the whole body of Christ worldwide. Lord, make our names great. Not that we may glory in it ourselves, but because you promised it.

Let our great names be beacons of light pointing back you you.
We ask you Lord to bless us like you did Abraham.
Most of us are not farmers these days, so I ask you to bless us with today's equivalents. Flocks and herds, convert to whatever is best in your eyes, Lord. Silver and Gold, Father give us cash money and prudent profitable investments that pay off now and pay off even more in the future.
Men / Maid servants, Lord give us businesses with employees that follow you. Bless our businesses that they prosper and can pay our employees more than the competition. Let our business practices set the new standard for employer / employee relationships. I ask, Father, that we develop relationships with our employees where we each seek the best for the other. Let this attitude pervade everything we do and let it overflow to our customers and clients.

Father, this ministry desires a new building. To your glory, we are too big for our current facility. We ask you to bring the finances through your people that we may have more than enough to do all that you put on our hearts to do. Let the people give so much that we have to tell them, like Moses when they were building the Sanctuary, "Stop Giving, We have too much!"

Father God, I love the fact that the next scripture you led me to was 2 Cor 9: 7 & 8. When we have so many cheerful givers, giving so much that we have to say "Stop Giving!", then we know that they will be blessed because you are able to make all grace abound toward us; that we, always having all sufficiency in all things, may abound to every good work. Holy Spirit, Guide us that we can see "every good work" and walk in it.

Lord, you are a most generous God. You give seed to the farmer that becomes bread for us to eat. You are far more extravagant with us. You give us life and we can give it away, making full-blown Christians, walking in your fullness, wealthy in every way so that we can be generous in every way, producing with us great praise to You. Let us not just meet the bare needs of the poor Christians, but produce abundant, bountiful thanksgiving to You. Prod us to live at our very best, showing our gratitude to You by being openly obedient to Christ's command. Let us show our gratitude by giving generously to our brothers and sisters, and really to everyone.

Going back to Mt 6, Lord as we seek your kingdom, let us always remember in every situation to ask ourselves 1)What does God Want 2)What do I want and then ALWAYS do the first one. Lord always show us the correct answer to that first question, "What does God Want?". Let your Holy Spirit talk directly to us. Let not our ears be dull or our minds be too occupied to hear and know your perfect will over every situation that we face. What job to take, what church to attend, what store to shop at, what car to buy, what charity to support, Lord, Guide us in all these things. Show us what companies will honor you with their finances and guide us to invest in them, knowing that when they honor you, you'll prosper them and then us through them.

Lord give us open opportunities to preach your word, to speak your truth in love to those that might never hear it inside a church. Let our lives be sermons, but not the quiet sermon that we "kinda hope" the neighbor will "hear", but rather let our lives be bold sermons shouted from mountaintops! Show us always the right path to follow and guide our footsteps that we never depart from it. Do not allow us to bring you anything but glory. Protect us from our own imperfect desires. Reveal your perfect will for us that our desires will line up with your will, knowing that your will is for us to have the best and be the best in all that we do. As we line up our words and actions with your Holy Spirit guidance, the world will be changed and we will prosper! Let this be the sermon we preach!

Lord, when the enemy comes to tempt us with whatever means he has, let us see it for what it is. Let your glory shine brighter in our eyes than any bauble he might present to us. Let his temptations take on the appearance of rotted flesh that we naturally turn away. Let our eyes become accustomed to your glory and never be satisfied with anything less.

Lord we thank you for the opportunity to come together and pray together. We thank you for the push this gives us to dig deeper into your word. Help us cut through the weeds of this life and MAKE the time to read and study your word. Bless our eyes and our minds as we read what you have written for us. Let our spirits partake of your spirit. Let these texts minister life unto our bodies and wisdom to our minds. Let this show us how to draw closer to you and how to walk more and more like Jesus, your Holy Christ.

Father, there are doctors and other healthcare professionals in our midst. Bless them that they always make the right medical decisions to help their patients. Bless their equipment and medicines that they provide the proper healing to all that they come in contact with. Let it be known that these children of the most high God are to be chosen by anyone who needs their care.

There are business owners in our congregation. Some of them are chefs or cooks. Lord, bless their hands and bless the food they prepare. Let those that eat it be made strong and healthy. Let them tell all their friends and colleagues about the awesome food provided by these excellent brothers and sisters.

Some of the business owners are into technology. Lord, give them full understanding of the technologies that pertain to their business. Give them supernatural understanding of emerging technologies that they will be ready to move into them to give their customers the edge in business. Let this understanding and your grace bring an abundance of clients to these technology companies that our brothers and sisters that own them will have an abundance and be able to sow accordingly.

Some of our business owners are into creative ideas. God, your imagination is far greater than anyone in this earth. Let your imagination flow by the Holy Ghost into these brothers and sisters that whatever they create gives you glory and is pleasing to the client that these creative businesses prosper and grow.

Some of the businesses are in the service industry. Lord, give patience and kindness and understanding and attention to detail to these individuals and all their employees. Let word of mouth spread that these companies have kind, caring, knowledgeable people who look out for their clients' best interest. Let your blessing flow through these businesses and bring glory to your name.

God, as we seek your kingdom, allow us to show your love to others. Give us opportunities to practice kindness. Not superficial kindness like a smile and a wave, but real kindness that comes from a deep compassion springing out of the love that you have poured into us. Love like giving away your best coat or taking time away from our own lives to help a stranger move or fix their car or make repairs to their home. Let us not hold so tight to our money that we can't help someone who needs some groceries or needs their electric bill paid. Grant us wisdom and let us see into the spirit realm to know when is the right time and right place that our gifts cause no harm. Let our gifts be seed sown that we will reap a good harvest in your time.

When the enemy sees that we resist his temptations, he might try to attack us, but you are our shield. You extinguish all his flaming arrows. Everything that he does to us, intending to harm us, steal from us and kill us, to pull us away from you, let them backfire on him and work to our advantage. Let his attacks actually put money in our pockets and wisdom in our hearts and let it bring us ever closer to you. Let the world see this, that they will give you glory saying "Theirs is the one true God." Lord, laugh at the enemy. Let him make a mockery of himself. Let his every attack heap more and more blessing on your people.

Lord, whether it be part of being human, or an actual demonic attack, I ask that you free your people from what seems to be a lethargy demon when it comes time to get into your word. Give us spiritual stamina to get the most out of your word. Give us wisdom and understanding of the multitude of study tools that have developed over the centuries that we fully grasp every nuance of what you have spoken through the pens of your faithful servants. Give us instant recall that the logos written word will come back to use as a Rhema specific spoken work at the time of need. Let this Rhema point us to your will. Let it be the signposts directing us to your kingdom.

Lord, you said through you servant James that we have not because we ask not so today we ask that you provide abundant financial blessing to everyone connected to Faith Christian Center. Through James, you also said that we ask and receive not because we ask amiss, to consume it upon our lusts. We yield to the Holy Spirit and grant you full control over our lives and allow you to determine where and how we spend these resources. Let these funds flow through us and into your kingdom. Because we are blessed, we'll be able to give more to your church. Because we are giving more to your church, the church will be able to reach more people, teaching them the love of Christ and his sacrifice on the cross. Because we are reaching more people, and they are walking in your way and seeking your kingdom, they will be Abraham's seed, heirs to the promise, richly blessed, and then give more generously into your kingdom, that we can reach still more!

Father God, make the Tampa Bay area known as The Bay of the Holy Ghost. Let people say "You can't get to hell from there". Let the evil industries pull up root and say "We just can't make any money with all those Christians in Tampa". Pour your spirit so thick into this area that evil suffocates and chokes and dies. Let your kingdom manifest itself in our midst.

Grant us true fellowship with one another. Let the grey haired old men become mentors to the younger men and even to the middle aged men. Let wisdom that comes from knowing you flow from one generation to the next and the next, growing with each successive pass. Pull us out of the worldly hub-bub and give us peaceful time to really get to know each other and care about each other. Root out the pride that prevents us from seeking the counsel of Godly men. Root out the pride that causes men to respond harshly to those that dare seek counsel. Grant us boldness to care, boldness to reach out, boldness to really LOVE one another. I'm not talking about the half-hug / half-handshake kind of love. I'm talking about the kind of love that sits up until 3am telling a brother that God's gonna make their situation work out no matter how difficult it looks to the carnal senses. I'm talking about the kind of love that doesn't accept "I'm fine" or a cardboard stock "blessed and highly favored" when we ask "How ya been?" Grant us the boldness to get up-in each others business and minister your word into a specific situation. Let these relationships of brotherly love grow and let each of us consider the other before himself. When we all want the best for everyone else, YOUR Best will show up for all of us.

Your best is wealth,
Your best is health and long life.
Your best is peace.
Your best is joy.

The world cannot comprehend Your best! The best the world has to offer is a pittance, a shadow, vanity. Your best is glorious.
Your best is exceedingly great.
Your best satisfies.

We thank you Lord for all that you have done for us. We thank you for all that you are doing for us. We thank you for fiances we already have. We thank you for giving us the wisdom and power to get wealth. We thank you for the wisdom and guidance that we know and follow your will in how we spend that wealth. We thank you for allowing us to ask you for wealth. We are not greedy. We do not ask out of selfish desire. We desire to fulfill your plan for our lives, your plan for this ministry, your plan for sub-ministries that come out of FCC Tampa, your plan for businesses, your plan for the salvation of this city. Thank you Lord for daily renewing our drive to fulfill your plan and purpose. Thank you for allowing us to be involved in your plan. Work out your plan through our hands. Energize us each morning to get up and work your plan. Energize us to get going and make contacts and do the work that generates cashflow and progress for YOUR ministry projects.

Thank you Lord. Bless your holy, majestic, awesome, wonderful, beautiful name.
Praise you. Hallelujah. All glory and honor to you Jehovah! Thank you Lord. Thank you.

Saturday, January 26, 2013

Me Too


I got something to say
God said "Go this way"
What am I goin' to do?
Turn back?
No Way!

'Cause I'm white
'Cause I'm old
'Cause my feet gettin' cold
I'm sold
He's more precious than gold

I'm Bold

For Jesus
He frees us
Sin can't sieze us
believe this

He died for you.

For me too.
It's not new.

All the pain
He went through
Just to free me and you
From the Hell we were due,
He knew.

It's true.

For God so loved the world
that he gave is only begotten Son
That whosoever believeth in him
should not perish but have everlasting life.

What a price!

No greater love than this
that a man should lay down his life
for a friend.

I'm in.

All he gave up
to drink that cup!
To the death
He obeyed
in a tomb he was laid
after Judas was paid
and Peter cussed at the maid

But the way,
has been made.

My debt,
has been paid

And yours.


Down on all fours
face on the floor.
Don't run
for the door
that's not you anymore!

"Oh, I got this"
How's that workin' out for ya?

Gotta run
watch your back
like your under attack
can't slack

Gettin' by
on the sly
don't know why
even try
can't cry
then die.

Humble yourself
Ask Jesus to take control over your life.
Accept the awesome gift He has given you.

You see,
the tomb couldn't hold him
God told him.

Now his name is above,
He did it for love.

God said "Go this way"
What am I goin' to do?
Turn back?
No Way!

I'm sold
He's more precious than gold

Be Bold!

For Jesus
who frees us
Sin can't sieze us
believe this

He died for you.

For me too...

Corry Wauford

Has Joy Abandoned?

Has Joy Abandoned?

Joy has abandoned
both poem and prose
we sing of the thorn
and not the rose
in lyics we hear
the bitterness grows
Yes, joy has abandoned
both poem and prose

Joy has abandoned
The words of our tounge
Love, Hope and Beauty
Seldom are sung.
Joy has abandoned
The words of our tounge

Let's not forget
we have a choice
Let's not forget
Lift up your voice
Give God the praise!
Let us rejoice!

His joy is my strength
It give me peace
His joy is my strentth
His power released

Joy did not run
Joy did not flee
It's waiting for you
It's waiting for me
Let joy return
in poem
in prose
Joy has returned
Jesus arose!

Corry Wauford
2013-01-26 6:30am
